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MIDC provisional fire NOC and MIDC final fire NOC

Posted by Sushant Bhilare on December 15, 2023

The details for the fire services offered by our midcwala Services along with the step-by-step process to apply for Provisional Fire NOC and Final Fire NOC.

1. MIDC Provisional Fire NOC:

  1. Plan Approval Stage: During the initial stage of your industrial project, when you submit your plans for MIDC approval, you can apply for the Provisional Fire NOC through the online portal.
  2. SPA or Fire Planning Authority Review: The SPA or Fire Planning Authority will review your application and assign a Provisional Fire NOC category (Green, Orange, or Red) based on the fire risk assessment of your industrial activity.
  3. Demand Note Payment and Portal Update: After you pay the necessary fees as per the demand note, your Provisional Fire NOC will be listed in your online portal.

2. MIDC Final Fire NOC:

  1. Building Completion Certificate (BCC) Stage: Before or during the application stage for your BCC, you can apply for the Final Fire NOC.
  2. Fire Protection Fund Fees: Pay the necessary Fire Protection Fund Fees and Additional Fire Protection Fund Fees to MIDC.
  3. As-Built Area Statement: Submit a document prepared by a Licensed Architect, specifying the floor-wise area and total covered area on each floor.
  4. Provisional Fire Approval Compliance: Provide a Certificate of Compliance confirming your adherence to the Provisional Fire Approval requirements. 
  5. No Dues Certificate (if applicable): If your project involved incremental construction, obtain and submit a No Dues Certificate from the MIDC account department.
  6. On-Site Inspection and Approval: The Fire Planning Authority will visit your site and verify if the fire safety provisions comply with the Provisional Fire NOC.
  7. Final Approval and Portal Update: If everything meets the requirements, your Final Fire NOC will be approved and displayed in your online portal.

    We specialize in Industrial property transactions. Whether you’re buying, selling, leasing, or need help with MIDC / MPCB / DISH Factory license documentation across Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane & Raigad. we can assist or guide you through the process and ensure a successful transaction. Any further queries or need more information about our Fire Services.

Please feel free to contact us on the following details:
Sushant +91 9819992310

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